An overview of WordPress Importer, how to download and use, features, file structures and samples, and more.
This document helps you to quickly get started with WordPress Importer. The document is designed to be step-by-step instructions specifically created to walk a beginner through basic things required for getting use to with WordPress Importer.
For effective learning, we have provided sample files which you can download and use in the application to get used to with WordPress Importer. In addition, we have also provided guidance on how to avoid common pitfalls and highlight key concepts that should be remembered for future reference.
You can quickly get started with WordPress Importer. All you need to have is a WordPress Importer installer (setup) and a valid license file.
The license key will be sent separately once you buy the product.
Installing WordPress Importer in Windows is quite easy and you don’t need any additional software for running WordPress Importer. Simply run the setup and start working with WordPress Importer.
To run WordPress Importer, you need to have a valid license file. You can request the license file by sending an email to entering the unique serial key in email body.
You can find your unique serial key by running WordPress Importer. If you’ve not yet imported the license file, the system will prompt you to import the license file. You will see the unique serial key on the same screen.
To activate your copy of WordPress Importer, follow the steps below:
- Install WordPress Importer by downloading it
- Download sample source and WXR Files from here and keep them in a local folder. (e.g. …\My Documents\WordPress Importer\)
- Start WordPress Importer, the missing WordPress (WXR) File dialog appears. Browse to local folder as instructed in step 2 and open WXR File (e.g. Quotes and Versus WordPress (WXR) – Project-02.xml)
- Next, the missing License Key dialog appears.
- Copy the Serial Code by clicking Copy button and share it with us via email at (Please paste Serial Code while sending an email to help us generate license key for you)
Alternatively, if you are running the software in a trial mode, you can locate your unique serial key from menu Help > License Manager.
After installing WordPress Importer on your machine, run the application from desktop shortcut or by navigating to the installation path.
Assumed that you have downloaded all the samples files (XLS and WXR) and kept them at common place e.g. “C:\WordPress Importer\Files\”.
Now simply follow steps below.
- Run WordPress Importer, Open WordPress (WXR) project file. For example, “C:\WordPress Importer\Files\Quotes and Versus WordPress (WXR) – Project-02.xml”
- Click Import and browse the source file (Excel, or CSV) to read the content from.
For example, “C:\WordPress Importer\Files\Quotes and Versus WordPress Excel – Project-02.xlsx” - Map source-to-target fields and Click Save.
Please note the above process will save data into WXR file as selected in step 2 which later will be imported into your WordPress blog.
To download WXR file of your WordPress blog, you should refer to this section of the documentation. You would notice while downloading WXR file that there is no option to export blank WXR file so you should choose either post or page option.
In most of the cases, you would be interested in importing new content into your WordPress blog. You may have hundreds of records in download WXR file and cleaning them manually could become a serious pain for a normal user. Therefore, we have brought in a feature called one-click, get-rid to clean up existing WXR file. A Clean button will help you clean existing data from your WXR file in one click.
You can easily import the content generated using the steps above into your WordPress blog. To import the data generated using WordPress Importer into your WordPress blog, simply follow the steps below.
- Login to WordPress admin panel, Go to Tools -> Import. Click WordPress. Choose a WXR (.xml) file to upload, then click Upload file and import.
- Select the author of the posts being uploaded and click Submit.
Below are some of the main features of the WordPress Importer.
- Work Offline – No Internet Needed for WordPress Importer. Generate content offline and import data into WordPress later on.
- Easy-to-Use – Engage with an easy-to-use interface that allows you to generate content with just one click.
- Comprehensive – Turn your data sources (Excel, CSV, or XML) into WordPress database instantly using a powerful and accurate WordPress content generation utility.
- WXR Splitter – Split Large Data file into smaller chunks (WXRs) for Easy Import of blog content.
To learn about the file structures, you should refer to this section of the documentation.
To download sample files, you should refer to this section of the documentation.
If you have any queries or need help please contact at and we would be happy to answer your queries.